Wednesday, August 29, 2007

An introduction

I'll start this off by admitting that I strongly suspect this could go to the wayside. For me, there's only one "blog" dear to my heart, that being LJ, where I have written since the summer before my senior year of high school. Of course, as readers have dwindled on LJ--and my entry-writing frequency reacted accordingly--I'd begun to wonder whether it wasn't an idea to start writing somewhere else about other things. At the same time, my writing on LJ was of such a...personal...nature, that leaving the comforts of my $25-per-year journal seemed like a stark reality.

But then, while I was reading some comment responses in Keith Law's ESPN blog, I found my way to his other blog. While Law's baseball blog is, without a doubt, my favorite corner of, thanks to both his insight into the sport and his willingness to respond to even the most assanine comments on his posts, I found "The Dish" interesting in that his entries dabbled in all sorts of subjects, from cheeses and restaraunt commentary to book reviews. It seemed to me that Law used his personal blog to discuss everything his more publicized blog prohibited (everything non-baseball).

Thus it was that, when Roseanne sent me her blog, I decided to follow Keith Law's lead and maintain this second blog. On LJ--my home--I will continue debating the things most important to me: life, love, and faith. Here, I will do everything else, commenting on the news and sports (especially the latter), and reviewing books, movies, and, if I feel particularly into myself, video games. I hope to make this something worthwhile and entertaining, at least for myself, since I wonder whether anyone else will ever really get into reading what I write.

Then again, I never would have anticipated LJ becoming so important a part of my life for almost five years, after just being an afterthought discovered in a survey written by Cristina.


Keith Law said...

Miguel - best of luck with the new blog, and thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you're enjoying my non-baseball writing; it's a welcome change of pace from the baseball stuff, which, although I love baseball, is still "work."

Marcus said...

hey, you got a blogspot too! Nice :D